Q + A

What DO you do?

I wear A LOT of hats!
I'm not quite a jack of all trades, but I do have different passions!
I'm a Patient Acount Representative at a chiropractic corporation - this is where I really started to hone in on my passion for healthy natural living (when I worked in a treating clinic as a Chiropractic Technician). 
I'm a case manager at a local correctional facility in my town where I get to use my skills I learned in college for Social Work and I can help assist people better their lives.
I'm a Beachbody coach because it really resonates with me along the lines of healthy living and getting healthy.

I don't know where to start with being healthy, what should I do?

First and foremost - CUT OUT THE JUNK! No processed, chemical filled, fake food! REAL food not food like products!
Daily exercise and lots and lots of water! 

I have low self esteem, I don't like my body and I want to be my best, can you help me?

YES! I completely understand! I'm still struggling with this! Because I have both education and experience in health and wellness and social work I think I would be able to help you! If you want to kick start your health (mind, body & spirit) contact me at nikkimax120@gmail.com

What is you fave healthy snack? 

Hummus and mini bell peppers, kind bars, quest bars or fruit!

What is your workout routine?

I do a wide variety of workouts. Right now I'm LOVING PiYo.

I want to collab!

Awesome! Email me! nikkimax120@gmail.com


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