Just keep running, Just keep running

I'm really bad at updating this consistently. Sorry, hang with me.

Last Wednesday February 6th was  the last day of week 3 on my couch to 5K program. It felt pretty good. I ran for about 30 minutes. I also did weight lifting arms and it felt pretty good also, but was a little hard my muscles burned.

Friday was a hard day for me. It was the first day of week 4 and I just about died. I ran the 3 minutes and the 5 minutes at 5.5 mph and it killed me. I couldn't run the full 3 or 5 minutes the next round. I couldn't breathe I had a side ache and i was very dizzy. I decided the next time I ran it was going to be slower.

I was going to work out Saturday while Alexa was in gymnastics, but I didn't have time. Friday's workout killed me so much that I fell asleep as soon as I could and didn't get any packing or prepping for our trip done. This means I had to do it Saturday morning instead, which is okay because I'm not sure I could have handled it. My slaughter on Friday was still too fresh. hahaha

This morning I went and did week 4 day 2. During the run cycles I ran at 4.9 mph (except for the last minute of running I went 5.5 mph) It felt okay. It was hard, but I pushed myself. I ran all that I was suppose to run so I am happy about that. I feel like I should possibly do week 4 another week just to get used to it a little more. I'm scared I'll die. I didn't weight lift today because I needed to get home so I could catch up on life since we got home later than I wanted to last night.

Alright, I need to keep getting things done. I  could use a nap right about now.



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