Fitness Friday - Bottoms up!!

Bottoms up!

I know its Friday but - No, I’m not talking about going out and having some adult beverages. Today I want to take a little bit of time and discuss why water intake is sooooo important! I had a 10 week challenge in January and February and each week there was a new challenge. One of the weeks was to intake half your body weight in ounces in water. Sad to say…most people FAILED MISERABLY! Now, I know that reports suggest that most of America is chronically dehydrated…I guess I didn’t believe it, but with the amount of water people couldn’t/wouldn’t drink was astounding to me! There is nothing more satisfying for your body to thrive than water! So, today I just want to take the time and tell you WHY water is important for you and to challenge you to a water drinking challenge which I plan on holding monthly!! J
Here it goes: This is why drinking water is important. Water, is seriously so vital to our existence. You can go weeks without food but only 5-7 days without water.  When you lose 1% of the water in your body you become thirty, and the more you lose the less your body functions properly. When you lose 20% of water you could die. For men about 60% of their body is water, and a woman's is approximately 50%.  Did you know that the human brain is about 75 percent water? Your BRAIN is made of up of water, if you don’t have enough water how to do you expect your brain to function properly?! On a daily basis we lose 2-3 quarts of water through urination, sweating and breathing. It’s important to replace the water we use to function day to day. 

Here are a few reasons why drinking water is good for you:

1.       As stated before it’s the way your replace the water in your body so it continues to function.

2.       Water helps control calorie intake.  Most of the time when we’re dehydrated our body mistakes that feeling for hunger. When that’s the case you tend to eat more than you need to, try drinking a glass of water and waiting 30 minutes. If you’re hydrated your body shouldn’t be craving anything and if you are it’s because you’re actually hungry. Other drinks such as juice, coffee, soda etc.. actually increase your thirst and causes your to eat more.

3.       Water energizes muscles – the more hydrated you are the harder you can go at the gym meeting your fitness goals. Make sure you drink water WHILE working out at regular intervals.

4.       Water keeps your skin nice and clear! Dehydration makes your skin look like you’re aging faster than you are! Drinking other liquids that aren’t water as the ones mentioned before increase the aging process.

5.       Water helps your kidneys! When you’re drinking enough your urine can flow well. This is the act your kidney does to keep it working defiantly. If you’re not drinking enough you risk kidney stones.

6.       Water keeps bowel function going! Again. As before it keeps things moving! This is good for you people!

All of this information can be found here where it gets a little more science-y. And check out this graphic for some more information!
Okay, so you get it. WATER IS IMPORTANT! I've heard all the excuses before on why you can't drink the right amount of water. So my questions is ... Do you really not value your health enough to make the extra effort to make this small change in your life? Here are my responses to the common excuses I've heard:
1. I forget. - Okay, yes, I've forgotten too. Here's an idea : rubber bands. You know you need 5 water bottles of water. put 5 rubber bands on your left hand and when you drink one switch it to the right. Those hands do stuff in front of  your face all day long. You can't tell me you wont see them. Another idea is this: Get a gallon jug and write down the times of the day and the level you need to be at. It works.
2. I don't like water. - You know what - I DON'T CARE! It's tasteless and it's amazing for you. Suck it up and drink that water. It's important for you - even more important if you're a soda/juice addict! You need to be drinking more because those drinks deplete the water in your body! However, I understand the want for something with a different flavor - so  why not try and spice up the water intake by buying a infuser bottle like this one. Add some fruit, mint, etc and get some flavor.
3. I'm not thirty- But you're hungry aren't you? I'm willing to bet a lot of those times you're hungry you're actually thirsty as I mentioned before. And if that's not the case then I still want you to make an effort to drink that water. Eventually your body will crave the amount of water it needs and it wont even be a big thing to be drinking that much.
4. I pee too much. - Hey that's a good thing! That's how your body rids itself of impurities! Peeing = great! DO IT MORE!!
So kids, here are some more tips. Buy a cool water bottle and carry it with you EVERYWHERE! Eat more fruits and veggies with high water content!  Do you have any tips and tricks for getting your water intake in?? Let me know below!!

Thanks everyone for tuning in and I hope this was informational and really helps motivate you to drink more good old H2O!!


P.S. If you're of age and plan on taking in some adult beverages tonight. Make sure you alternate one glass of water to one alcoholic beverage. Also, before you go to bed make sure you're chugging that water. Tomorrow morning (or afternoon) you'll thank yourself! ;-)


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