So here's the plan...

Alright. So, I have an independant study class that I need to graduate. I have to work out 3 days a week and journal it. Among a few other things.

These are the requirements:
  • Log should reflect your goals for the day.
  • A description of your warm-up and cool-down.
  • length and inensity of workout
  • reflection of the workout
Of course I will do my best to go above and beyond so that I can reach my goals. For the next 6 months those are;
  • Run at least one 5K
  • Lose 40 lbs
Starting tomorrow I will update everyday and my stats....

Incase you were wondering. I'm fat. haha About 198lbs. We'll see where we go from here.

I'm excited. I hope that I can do this. I want to do this.



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