Challenge done!!!

Well my friends, the 10 week challenge came to an end! Our winner won by about 30 points! She rocked it and did absolutely awesome! Check out what she won:

I'm so pleased with the results of this challenge everyone who gave it their all lost weight and are getting healthier! I'm so excited for everyone involved, including myself! haha I lost 16.4 lbs as well as 28" all over my body! The things you can accomplish when you put your mind to it is absolutely amazing.

Interested in joining the next challenge? Send me an email at  I will help you accomplish all your goals (Or at least give you a way to reach them - the rest is up to you!)

Here is the plan for my blog:

Sundays: Gratitude Sundays - What i'm grateful for and the best parts of this week.

Wednesdays: What I ate Wednesdays - see what I've eaten that was healthy today!

Fridays: Fitness Friday - I'll tell you about this weeks work outs and provide you with quick workouts as well as fitness tips!

Get excited guys!! I know I am!!!


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