Fitness Friday
Hello Everyone!
I don't know about all of you, but I've had a pretty long week. Overtime, kids activities, running around dropping off Shakeology samples, shopping, getting fabric for Alexa's flower girl dress for Luke's brothers wedding. I'm feeling like I could just about drop! However, I still am getting my workouts in. I have a goal to look good at their wedding! :-)
Today is FRIDAY!!!! TGIF!!
So, as I said before. TGIF. Which means it's another Fitness Friday. Today I want to review the workout program that I've been using since October. It's called Focus T25 and is a beachbody product. It's been an amazing program and 30 lbs later.. I can say it's been amazing to me as well!
Focus T25 is a workout program developed by the one and only Shaun T. Bless his heart, because most of the time I want to kill him for making me work so hard! (That IS how you get results I suppose.) You may know him from all those insanity and T25 infomercials. :-)
The program comes complete with 11 workouts on 11 different DVDs. It also includes a nutrition guide, calendars, resistance bands, workout guides, and when bought from a coach you get their support as well as beachbody support. The cost is about $119.85 plus $19.95 shipping and handling. It comes with a full money back guarantee, minus shipping and handling charges, so you can return it if you are not satisfied within the first month of trying it out. The cost does seem a little steep, but there are different ways to get it at a discounted rate. If interested in those contact me and I can fill you in. Also, if you chose to purchase at the full retail you really are getting so much for $12 a week and that's only if you use it once. I've used it twice and so I'm down to $6 a week and on and on.
So what are these DVDs like? Well the program is broken down into 2 phases. Alpha and Beta. Each phase is 5 weeks for a total of 10 weeks.
Phase 1: Alpha The first phase, Alpha, this is "your foundation" like Shaun T calls it. This is designed to train you to go to beta. The Alpha phase includes Cardio, Ab Intervals, Speed 1.0, Lower Focus and Total Body Circuit
Cardio - Is exactly what it sounds like. Fat melting cardio! :-)
Ab Intervals- Is working your mid-section. Personally, I always feel like I could have worked it more. This is when I go and pull out another ab workout.
Speed 1.0- This is a lot of Cardio and Lower body. You SWEAT like no ones business! It's improving speed, agility, stamina and endurance. It's pretty fun, I think.
Lower Focus- Kicks my butt. Literately. Works those thighs and booty. You feel it the next day.
Total Body Circuit - The freaking WORST! It is a workout +, and I HATE IT. haha, just kidding. It's a great workout, but it's HARD.
Phase 2: Beta
The second phase, Beta, focuses more on core strength than cardio. The workouts in the Beta phase are Core Cardio, Dynamic Core, Speed 2.0, Upper Focus and Ripped Circuit.
Core Cardio - The Core Cardio is, again, what it sounds like. Cardio, It's faster and more intense than Alpha phase cardio.
Dynamic Core - Dynamic Core focuses on the core muscles in the abdominal section. This is MUCH better than ab intervals.
Speed 2.0- My FAVORITE!!! You get a GREAT workout! SWEAT!!
Upper Focus - The Upper Focus workouts will help define your chest, back and shoulder muscles. Get ready for burpees, push ups and weights!
Ripped Circuit - This is the equivalent to TBC. So it works your entire body.
Would I recommend this program? ABSOLUTELY! Between this workout program and eating relatively "clean" I have lost over 30 lbs and keep going! I'm so pumped to share this program with you! I usually have some challenge groups going on with has definitely helped people including myself stay accountable and reaching our goals.
If you're Interested or have any other questions regarding the program or beachbody in general contact me via comment below or email
Thanks for reading this weeks Fitness Friday!! Tune in Sunday for What I'm grateful for this week!
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