Natural Living?
I've been doing a lot of thinking the past few days (more like years, but even more so recently) all about natural living and the amount of chemicals that are introduced into our lives due to the environment around us (both natural and unnatural). My thought process is that if you can touch a pepper and it burns you or you can put a clove of garlic between your toes and you can taste the garlic in your mouth that what we surround ourselves with is actually pretty dang important.
I've always like to do things as naturally and healthily as possible. ESPECIALLY after becoming a mom. I want what's best for my daughter and I'm not quite sure that modern living is really what's best for her. There is a lot up for debate with that topic, but what I want to focus on is what I can control health/nutrition wise. I'm going to start a series (I haven't decided what day yet) in which I take a normal household product whether it be food or other and tell you why maybe you should double think it and what you could replace that product with.
Sure, I'm not going to lie... There will be some things that I'm just not down for switching out or some things that I just can't justify spending the extra money...BUT I will give them a fair shot and I will be completely honest with you! I was thinking about maybe making Mondays - Natural Monday?? Or maybe I could make Thursdays - Natural Thursdays? Well, I'll figure it out and let you all know! Just keep an eye out!!
Besides that I just wanted to check in with everyone and share a little bit about my crazy schedule now that school for Alexa has started. Between two jobs and working 60 hours a week, 5 hours of dance, 1.25 hours of CCD and random other obligations here and there Alexa and I have been super busy and ready for a day to sleep in! Luke thinks he's come down with something...which is just GREAT...NOT! We made him sleep on the couch last night :-P Poor Luke. However, it does give me an opportunity to help him naturally and let you all know how it works :-)
We did have a fun family time last week where we got our family pictures taken, here's a sneak peak:
Pretty adorable right?? :-) If you're looking for a photographer I HIGHLY suggest Heather. Her facebook is here and her website is here. You will not be disappointed! She's is not only a great photographer, but an amazing person as well!
Alright guys! Keep an eye out for future blog posts - PLEASE don't hesitate to tell me what you want to see!!!
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