Setting Goals and Making a Vision Board

Hello everyone!
As some of you  may know i'm a huge fan of personal development! I think it's a very important and essential part of life. Even before I was part of Beachbody and their push for how important personal development is I was reading books like "Think like Leonardo" and "Happiness project". I know a lot of people don't like reading and if they do a lot of them like to read stories and fiction. I enjoy a good fiction every now and then also, but there is just something SOOOO satisfying about personal development.

On the topic of personal development I also think it's SOOO SOOO SOOO important to set goals and to write them down and announce them to your closest supporters. I LOVE the idea of making a vision board. and then taking that vision board and posting it where I can see it everyday to remind me to go and do my best to get closer to those goals

So, with all of that being said. I've got my supplies and i'm going to start on mine. Here is Dr. Tom Jones telling us how to make a vision board so you can do yours too:

"Whether you understand the Law of Attraction or not, it is constantly working, delivering to you what you are thinking about!

Your vision board can be about anything that makes you happy. It can have pictures of places you want to go to, things you want to acquire, people in your life, those you want to meet, and even pictures of famous people that inspire you.
What are you attracting?

How to Make a Vision Board

Step 1: Get a piece of paper and write down what you want. Hand write specific goals that you envision for your career, love life, marriage, school, health and wealth – all aspects of your life. If you are not sure yet, then write down all of the things that you believe will make you happy. For example, you can write about dream vacations, meeting great people, eating delicious food, etc. The sky’s your limit, and your personal power lies in your belief and emotional connection.
Step 2: Prepare all the materials you need to make your Vision Board/s. Scissors, magazines, photos, glue, cork/card board or what ever you want to use as a surface. Remember, you can use the internet to find pictures to print and use.
Step 3: Paste/pin all the pictures, sayings, quotes, or what ever you have prepared. Put them in order of importance, or any other way you want to see them on your board. At the center you might even place a picture of yourself with a big smile so you will remember to smile when you see your board. Remember that you are not just putting up pictures, you are finding ways to create a different emotional state!
Step 4: Place your board/s in places that you will be able to see them everyday. Give yourself at least a minute (five minutes is better) each day to look at your board and find your attitude of gratitude. Imagine you have already acquired everything on your board. Close your eyes and visualize yourself clearly as the happy, grateful person that you want to be.
The fastest way to acquire the things on your vision board(s) is to visualize, be grateful, be happy and take advantage of the opportunities you have every day. The Law of Attraction will work for you, and you will begin to find the people, events, things and things that you want will move towards you as you move towards them.
At first, applying the Law of Attraction may seem hard, but as long as you keep your faith, as long as you find ways to be happy, as long as you are being grateful and as long as you are good to yourself and to others, you will receive what you desire.

Types of Vision Boards

Specific Goals Vision Boards

You should make this type of vision board if you know exactly what you want to happen in your life. This board will serve as your guide in your journey towards achieving your dreams. Be very specific in using pictures and other props so that you can truly feel the feelings of gratitude even by just looking at your board.

Theme Boards

This type of vision board is when you want specific things to happen by a specific date, or in a specific time frame for a specific occasion. For instance, you may want to have the perfect Valentines Day or the best birthday party or the best Christmas, complete with all your loved ones. It can be any occasion or event that you want to be perfect.

Inspiration Boards

From the word itself, this type of vision board is for those who are not yet sure of what it is they truly want in their future. They just know that they want to be happy. Are you one of them? If so, then you should include things that you know will keep you inspired and happy about being alive.
Put pictures of your family, closest friends, all those happy memories, cherished small memorabilia, or even cut outs of certain inspirational stories. You can also include favorite words, affirmations or your favorite quotes of all the successful and happy people you know.

How many vision boards should you make?

Having more than one vision board, or different forms of vision boards, allows you to see your goals almost anywhere you are. You can place them in your bedroom, office, kitchen, living room or just about anywhere you constantly see them.
You can take a picture of a board and use that as a screen saver on your computer, tablet or cell phone. No matter how busy you are, you will be able to look at your board and remind yourself of what makes you feel inspiration and gratitude."

Okay readers - GO! Go make you own vision board and share! I would love to see them! Want to see mine? Comment below!



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