Essential Oils - Bathroom/Beauty Edition

I've been using essential oils for quite a few years and I've shared bits and pieces here and there but I've increasingly received more and more questions on how I used them in my day to day life. As time goes on I think the more and more people are becoming interested on how to transition to a more natural safe for family options. This is definitely something I've slowly been doing the last few years and am happy to share all the ways we're becoming more natural.

So, here we go - these are the essential oils I use in my beauty/bathroom routine.

To start off with - I sometimes have acne due to stress and hormonal stuff, etc... I really hate using chemicals and "fancy" acne products for a few different reasons. One being that I can find that they are really tough on my skin. The other reason is that I find my more natural solutions to work just as well or even better more often than not.

doTERRA offers this topical blend called hdclear this product has done wonders for my skin. I run it over my trouble areas after cleansing and before moisturizing. It really helps with breakouts, hydrating the skin and making your complexion more clear. This also lasts a really long time which is really nice!

I need to add that if you have just a few spots that you want to focus on that Melaleuca {Also known as Tea Tree oil} is a fantastic spot treatment {among other things - I can get into the other used I use Melaleuca for in another post}. I put a swap on a Q-tip and put it on and around my spot. 

The next holy grail oil I use daily is Lavender. I put lavender in my mascara - Just 2 drops in a brand new tube (1 drop in half a tube). It not only helps the mascara from lasting a bit longer it also is a natural antiseptic/antifungal which can help fight the germs that tend to make their way into our mascara tubes and is a relaxing scent but it also helps tired eyes look brighter as lavender helps to brighten the skin as well as helping your lashes grow longer naturally. I naturally have long eye lashes but the last 2 years or so they seemed to have less volume and length. I can personally attest that after using lavender in my mascara the last few months my eye lashes are thicker and longer...and I'm not complaining. :-) I wish I would have done a before and after picture to show you! 

 Oh - and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Urban Decay Perversion Mascara.
As far as beauty routine goes those are my tops for daily use. I'm still exploring other oils and options and experimenting with what I do and don't like! However, I do have to mention a few more that I bring with me and keep the bottles in the shower. I'm about half and half night shower person and morning shower person. I keep evolution, Eucalyptus and Lavender/Serenity in the shower ready to be used whenever. What I do is apply a few drops on the far end of the shower and a drop or two on the other end. I let the shower run and the aroma fills the bathroom.  

Eucalyptus {Oil OR you can actually hang the plant by your shower head} - wonderful for opening your airwaves helping you breathe better in the morning or when sick. Eucalyptus helps stimulate a type of white blood cell to help the body increase it's immunity. Whenever I'm sick I shower or take a bath with Eucalyptus! It's a win-win here - It wakes you up, helps you breath and helps fight the little bad guys in your body!

Elevation {aka the joyful blend} - really helps to revitalize you in the morning by elevating your mood and increasing your energy. It's refreshing and just a happy oil. I also diffuse this at the office and in Alexa's bedroom during the day when she's home {cleaning her room - hoping it helps us not fight over the quality of her cleaning skills haha}

I hope this helps to give you a little insight on how I use oils in my beauty routine. If you have any questions or suggestions I would love to hear them! Using oils in my daily life is really an important aspect to our lives. If you'd like a sample of any of these oils please contact me as I have many between the home and now carrying them in the office.



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