What's the Deal With Himalayan Salt Lamps?

I've been researching and reading so much on Himalayan Salt Lamps for... probably, 6 months or more. I've wanted one, but just haven't pulled the trigger {Partially because I thought maybe I would get one for Christmas, haha}. Well, I had a 20% off coupon for Bed, Bath and Beyond and I decided it was time. I had been wanting it for far too long to not pull the trigger.

Here is our little beauty:

I placed the salt rock basket in our living room. We spend a lot of time in the living room as a family and I figured that if  any room could benefit that would definitely be one. I shared it on my Snapchat story {Follow me - nikkimax120} and shared with everyone that I purchased what they had at the store, but it's slightly too small for the room. Generally, You want to have 2 lbs for every 10 square feet and for especially large rooms they suggest several lamps placed in the room.

Cubic/Office --- 8-12 lbs
10' x 10' --- 14-22 lbs
10' x 15' --- 24-30 lbs
10' x 20' --- 32 -46 lbs
So, you may be wondering why I would even want this Salt Lamp. Well, I do kind of LOVE the way they look. I think they are a beautiful piece to have in your home or office and they bring a sense of relaxation just by it's physical beauty. However, there are so many other benefits to Himalayan Salt Lamps.
The Himalayan Salt is mined from the beautiful Himalayan Mountains and were discovered many many years ago. Once the crystal is lit it emits negative ions that naturally refresh the air while casting a warm and beautiful glow. Many studies have shown that the lighted salt lamps increase negative ions count up to 600%. If you've traveled in Europe you wouldn't be surprised to know that there are many salt spas and have been used since the 1800's.
These Lamps provide air purification, reduce allergies and enhances a peaceful and happy mood.

Cleanse & Deodorize the Air

Probably the most well-known benefit is the power to remove dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, and other contaminants from the air. Himalayan salt lamps purify air through the power of hygroscopy, meaning that they attract water molecules from the surrounding environment then absorb those molecules – as well as any foreign particles they may be carrying – into the salt crystal. As the lamp warms up from the heat produced by the light bulb inside, that same water then evaporates back into the air and the trapped particles of dust, pollen, smoke, etc remain locked in the salt.

Reduce Allergy & Asthma Symptoms

These lamps remove microscopic particles of dust, pet dander, mold, mildew and the like from the surrounding air, placing a lamp or two in the rooms where you spend the most time can seriously cut back on allergy symptoms. Even people who suffer from asthma should notice a big difference after a week or two.

Eases Coughing

When the lamp heats up and begins its cycling of airborne particles, it also changes the charge of the molecules which are released. The majority of homes are filled with positively charged ions which aren’t particularly good for a person’s health. The positive ions are created by a number of things, but the primary source for most of us is from our electronics. Besides removing contaminants from the air, Himalayan pink salt lamps also help your body to filter air more efficiently so any foreign particles you do happen to breathe won’t make it into your lungs.

Increase Energy Levels

Taking a drive through the countryside with the windows down, spending time at the beach or camping in the mountains, or simply taking a shower first thing in the morning are all things that many people find invigorating. It’s not a coincidence that these are all activities which expose us to increased concentrations of negative ions just like those generated by Himalayan salt lamps. The fact is, positive ions sap our bodies of energy.
If you constantly feel tired and don’t know why, try keeping a Himalayan salt lamp in the room or rooms where you spend the most time. After about a week, you should notice a difference.

Better Sleep

Another side effect which results from over-exposure to positive ions in the air is that it robs you of quality sleep. This happens because those positively-charged particles can actually reduce blood and oxygen supply to the brain resulting in irregular sleep patterns. Himalayan pink salt lamps can help to reverse this problem. Keep one or two around your bedroom to improve the air quality so you can get a better night’s sleep.

Improve Mood & Concentration

Himalayan pink salt lamps are a great way to naturally enhance your mood or to help you relax and unwind at the end of the day. At the same time and on the opposite side of the coin, the lamps are great for improving concentration. Again, this is due to the effect of the negative ions on your body, improving blood and oxygen supply to the brain and other organs, as well as providing a boost of serotonin – the neurotransmitter which makes us feel happy.

Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder

This is a big one for me since I live in Wisconsin. We're typically dealing with a lack of vitamin D as well as shorter and darker days. The natural light given off by a Himalayan pink salt lamp is close enough to the warm glow of sunshine that they can even be used to relieve the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. This year when the days get shorter, fight back the lethargy by surrounding yourself with a few lamps.

I'm very excited about this new addition to our home and I can't wait to put one in each of our bedrooms and at the office!

Thanks, as always, for tuning in!



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