Sorry I Can't. The Family Needs Me.
This one is the top excuse I hear from my peers. A lot of my friends are mommas just like I am and we struggle to find the balance between our own well being and out families well being. A lot of times, by default, we take the back burner.
I have a few thoughts to share with all us parents out there:
Family comes first- BUT remember that you’ll be a better spouse/momma/daddy if you’re also taking care of you which means exercising (regularly), eating healthy (most of the time), and getting enough sleep. If you’re happy and healthy you’ll get more “quality” time which is better than cranky “quantity” time. You babies will LOVE the mom/dad that plays energetically rather than the one who's foggy and sluggish.
Be active TOGETHER! Children love to run around and play and expend energy! Play with them! Hold the kid and do some squats! Do something! Depending on your kiddo’s age(s), here are some get-fit ideas to keep kids healthy and get you in gear too: If you have little ones, push the stroller and go for walks which burns 30% more calories than walking without pushing a stroller. Plan your week with the kids to do 3 fun active things together so they look forward to it – and hold you accountable (you know how kids are). Ideas? Tuesday is bike-riding after school, Thursday you’ll go to the park (play tag and move with them!), and Sunday the family will go on a hike. Other fun ideas: rollerblading, swimming, walking to the store instead of driving, playing Frisbee, tossing the football around, playing tag, having push up competitions…all these are fun for kids, sets a good example and will hold you accountable.
Needing QT with the spouse or girl/guy-friends? Schedule a walking/talking date, get together to hit golf balls at the range, or plan a hike & romantic picnic. Revolve your social time around something active and fit in workouts without sacrificing time with loved ones.
Do you have any other suggestions? I would LOVE to hear them! Share below in the comments!
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