Good Beachbody Coaching

What Beachbody Coaches Do (and 1 Thing Good Coaches Don’t)

Each week, I get someone asking me about what Beachbody Coaches do.

Coach at Beachbody

Beachbody coaches do workout and follow a healthy meal plan, but we are real people. By not being a fitness expert or a certified nutritionist, Beachbody coaches do relate in so many ways to everyone else. Everyone wants to be healthier and feel better doing something that they love. Most of us normal people have a job and responsibilities at home too. Beachbody coaches do have a real life and face the same real struggles with their weight and results as you.

Beachbody coaches are just committed to changing lives. It may be their life, their family’s lives, or strangers. Beachbody coaches do help others get healthy, feel more confident, and even pay off their debts.
Beachbody coaches do let people know about getting fit and losing weight with Beachbody’s best-selling line of products. You succeed by helping others succeed! - Beachbody

5 Things Beachbody Coaches Do

  1. Beachbody coaches do share their story of how they improved their health through their lifestyle. I know I also love to talk fitness and nutrition with just about anyone – If I’m trying a new workout, I’m going to talk about it even if I wasn’t coaching. Beachbody coaches are usually passionate about what they are doing to improve themselves.
  2. Beachbody coaches help others change their bodies and self image through effective, high-quality workouts, gear, and supplements.
  3. Beachbody coaches do offer training to their team to help them reach their goals whether it be a client getting healthy or a new coach hoping to earn enough to stay home with their kids or quit their jobs.
  4. Beachbody coaches dream. Like I mentioned above, as a coach you commit to help change peoples’ lives. You have to believe you can do it, and believe in what you are doing and sharing with others.
  5. Beachbody coaches help educate and motivate real people to make small changes in the way they live to improve their lives’.

3 More Perks for a Beachbody Coach

  1. We get to meet some of our favorite trainers.
  2. We get to make friends with people we’d have otherwise never met. Some of my coach friends and clients are some of the sweetest and encouraging people I’ve ever met.

One Thing Beachbody Coaches Do NOT Do

SELL. I mean, everyone needs to get healthier and more fit. There will always be a market, and there will always be those that aren’t ready to put in time or effort to get healthier. That’s okay!! Some people love working out in the gym or running outdoors too. A good coach is going to respect that, and if they’re like me — probably ask you about it because it may be something they’d like too. If you have a coach that is consistently trying to sell to you, you probably do not have one that has been through the trainings offered by Beachbody or other top coaches.

If you are considering the becoming a Beachbody Coach please email me at I’d love to answer any questions you have and help you (not pressure you) into making a decision.


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