Goal Digger

Good Monday everyone!

So, here it is. Today we're making goals. Yes, When I say we I do truly mean WE. I'm going to challenge you to do the same. I think there are many many great things that can come from sitting down every so often and establishing goals that will better you life. I want to push you to be the best person you can be and I want you to take me along with you. ;-)

When it comes to goal making the best way I know how to go about it is to go by area of your life. There are typically 7 areas in which people tend to break up their lives. Those seven are: Money, Health, Family, Career/Work, Partner and/or Romance, Personal/Spiritual Growth, Fun & Recreation.

I'm going to make at least 2 goals for each area. And I'm going to make them S.M.A.R.T. If you've never heard that acronym before this is what that means:


Okay so here we go! 

I hate to put this one first, but if we're honest with ourselves it unfortunately very important as it impacts every aspect of our lives. 
1. I want to pay off both credit cards by October 2016 or before. I will do this by making a budget every month and every pay check. All extra income will be put towards debt amount. I will then roll up the amount of what I'm paying and add it to the next debt. This will be the Dave Ramsey debt snowball. Every time I make a budget I will be able to see the debt decrease.
2. I will find a way to generate extra income from side jobs/plasma/babysitting/consignment. I have ideas and plans set up for this. All of this money will go towards debt as well.
3.  I will stay strict to budget and only spend money budgeted for purchases. I will always ask is this a want or a need. I will live on Need, not wants.
1. I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS (More on that later as my health journey continues) and I'm hoping to get that under control as it's really affecting a lot of aspects in my life. I'm going to change my diet - I'm currently doing Wole30 thanks to the suggestion of my best friend, Jackie. I'm excited to see what cutting out dairy, grains/gluten, legumes, and sugar. I'm on week two and am already feeling better!
2. I will continue to exercise regularly and continue to push myself to see what my body can do. I want to hit my goal weight and tone up so well that my body is better than it's ever been and I'm excited to see what it can do.
1. Last year our new years resolution for family was to have a family night every Monday. That did work out well until summer started and our schedule with Alexa and her dad changed and we didn't have her every Monday. Now that school started we have her every Monday again. So - I would like to restart family night Mondays. No cell phones, rarely TV unless it's a family movie and dinner together.
2. I want to be more present with Alexa. I often times find myself focusing on other things than her and It's not fair to either of us. I want to help her with her homework, show her how to do things around the house, practice dance moves/choreography, read and just talk about our days.
Career/Work: (I think I have a few goals for this!!)
Chriopractic Office-
1.Keep Patient visits at 120-130 a week. Focus on marketing and involve patients more so that they take value in their care and their health.
2. Hold classes/events at the Chiro office once a month or every other month. Ladies nights, doTERRA classes, Fitness/ Nutrition seminars.
3. Gather training binder finished and in pristine condition!
4. Get decompression up and running well - pay it off as fast as we can and move on to getting a new x-ray machine!
Side/Self Employment-
1.  3 blog posts a week. Monday Mania, What we ate Wednesdays, Fitness/Food Friday.
2. One like page post a day - fitness, food, health.
3. 2 YouTube (crappy ones until I can figure out editing and computer situation) a week. This one might be hard because my laptops sucks....a lot. A LOT. :-(
4. Share fitness, health & wellness with people!
5. Generate extra income with this side work. :-)

Personal/Spiritual Growth:
1.I want to start attending church on a regular basis. It's hard for me since I really like to catch up on sleep on Sundays but I feel as though this is very important to me and I should sacrifice for God.
2. I want to read/study the bible cover to cover. I found a read the bible in 2 years plan, but it starts January 1. So, I'm going to see if I can find a plan to start any day of the year.
3. I want to start meditating/yoga. Be in touch with my body and mind more.

Fun & Recreation:
1. Spend more time adventuring. Enjoying nature and friends.
This one is hard because my time is limited and sometimes my fun is just laying around! I just want to be more present and do cool things and share cool experiences with people I love.

So, Lets hear them! What are you goals?!

Did you find this helpful? Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks for tuning in again!



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